Sustainable Words


A Plan For Life

Interview with the Medical Director of [redacted] clinic

Q.  Can you explain to us what “New Medicine” is?
A. At [redacted] clinic, we shy away from the toxic aspects of conventional medicine, using drugs and surgery only when such intervention is really necessary. Instead, we focus on therapies that support the body’s innate defenses and healing mechanisms.

Our "New Medicine" combines the best of modern scientific medicine with natural healing traditions that have been proven effective. Our clinic contains some of the world’s most technologically advanced medical equipment — equipment that you’ll find only at select university research hospitals. But our "prescriptions" routinely feature customized dietary and lifestyle recommendations, natural nutritional supplements and other complementary therapies.

Q.  What inspired the Executive Health Plan?
A.  I want to see people live the happiest and healthiest lives possible, yet I’m seeing a trend of people becoming so busy in their day-to-day lives that their health is often put on the back burner until some health crisis arises that forces them to address their problem.  In order to live a long and healthy life, you need to start now by taking steps to correct current health deficits, prevent diseases from occurring in the future and, in general, optimizing your health.  To be healthy when you are older, become healthy now and enjoy the immediate benefits of maximized vitality, sexual energy, cognitive power and immune function.  This is what we are trying to achieve with the Executive Health Plan.

Q.  Tell us a little bit about the Executive Health Plan.
A.  We initiated the Executive Health Program to bring to our patients the amazing new technologies that we have to diagnose, access, treat and manage disease.  Patients tend to visit many different physicians in different specialties to diagnosis their health complaints, yet at times the health visits are short and what is missing is one physician to access all tests and symptoms and come up with a comprehensive plan toward recovery and/or good health practices.

When a patient signs up for the Executive Health Plan they will be provided with a full day of in-depth testing including a comprehensive physical examination, an extensive medical history and advanced laboratory, physical and energetic tests to ascertain the state of the entire body.  The tests administered are engineered to find organ weaknesses and biological dysfunctions; nutritional deficiencies; as well as toxins, allergens and pathogens.  The complete picture that emerges shows what is required to get the body to function as an integrated healthy organism.

In the afternoon, the client will participate in several onsite protocols including lymphatic therapy, Body Cleanse and IV infusion.  Lymphatic therapy is a noninvasive technology that assists the body to achieve efficient waste removal within the lymph system and to release blockages in the intracellular matrix.  The Body Cleanse generates harmless ions that attach themselves to toxic substances in the body which then pass by osmosis through the feet into a basin of water.  And the IV infusion is a potent way to administer therapeutic amounts of nutrients for an immediate and powerful effect.  These IV’s can either be 5- to 10- minute “pushes” or 30- to 90- minute drips.

Q.  What do you then do with the patient’s complete health analysis?
A.  Based off the information gathered from our testing, our staff then devises a customized program for the patient which is divided into three overlapping categories: detoxification, strengthening and balancing.  When the patient returns for their follow up visit, we will review our findings with them and then discuss the health plan that we’ve put together.  During this visit they will meet with several members of our staff to discuss nutrition, fitness, stress management and supplementation.

Our Certified Nutritional Counselor will recommend dietary guidelines that the client can live with- that is, stick to- avoiding allergens and choosing foods most suited to promote the health of the client according to his or her unique metabolic make-up.  Our fitness expert will devise a program to achieve the most benefits from the least amount of time invested, in a schedule that fits the client’s lifestyle.

Additionally, the client will be provided personal instruction on effective stress management techniques, including various types of meditation, breathing practices, auto-suggestion, auto-hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Guided Imagery and other protocols proven to resolve emotional issues and eliminate stress.

And finally, based on the client’s physical exam and test results, our medical staff will devise a supplement program to make up for specific nutritional deficiencies; to restore impaired biological function; to detoxify blood and tissues; and to optimize the functioning of the entire organism.

Q.  Who is the ideal candidate for this program?
A.  Anyone who has the desire to live a long and healthy quality life and who wants to take positive measures to prevent illness.

Q.  Where can interested candidates find out more information?
A.  Call our office for a phone consultation at [redacted]. 

Copyright 2008 Sustainable Words
The information and files contained on this website are the property of Gina Reed, owner of Sustainable Words.
All rights reserved.